Learn to Rule Over your Emotion

Some people allow their feeling to rule over their life, when you allow the feeling of depression in your life, then you will become depressed. You don’t need to have this kind of emotional impulses and expect any kind of victory in your life. Feeling can lead us astray, feeling like impatience, aggression, depression, hatred, jealousy and anxiety can get us into trouble.

You need to follow wisdom and do what you know is right and not just following your feelings around. Just because you can feel that emotion doesn’t mean you can easily be depressed, bitter and angry, you need to discipline your emotions. Being discipline means to do the right thing when you feel like doing the wrong thing.

If somebody offends you and you feel like having a grudge, you have to discipline that feeling and learn to forgive them anytime. Things may not be going very well in your life and you may feel like getting discourage, you should learn to discipline the negative feeling and keep a good attitude.

We need to understand that it is when we do the hard things in life that is when God is developing our character. When we learn to apologize even when it is not our fault that is when we are growing up.

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The problem is, too many people are not willing to pay the price to work in victory, they don’t want to suffer, they don’t want to be inconvenient, they just want to take the easy way out.

When you want to grow up and experience God best then it is going to take lot of hard work. Is hard to love people when they are not being nice to us, is hard to overlook an insult, is hard to be patience when nothing is happening your way.

They are two kinds of pain in life, one is the pain of discipline while the other is the pain of regrets, the pain of discipline brings joy while the pain of regrets brings sadness. If we live a lazy and non discipline life we are going to make very poor choices that we will regret later on.

It is better we discipline ourselves right now so that in future we don’t have to carry that heavy burden of regrets. How many times have we acted on our emotions and say something we shouldn’t have said and end up hurting us in that relationship.

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The pain of discipline is more preferable compare to the pain of regrets, no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but later on it produces a harvest of righteousness.

It is better we consider how we will feel later on than how we are feeling right now, if you allow your flesh to rule over your feelings then you might have a major regret in future, because the seed we sow today is what we are going to reap in future.

If you allow yourself to feel negative and become depressed, later on it might affect your health and cause you severe sickness. We need to discipline ourselves today so later on we can receive a better reward and abundance blessing God has in store for us.

God will only promote us as high as our character will take us, God will not put you in a position of great leadership if you are not treating the people in your life right now with respect and honor.

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God will not increase your finances if you don’t discipline yourself, if you are lazy and always fail to do what you ought to do, then that will keep you stagnant and deprive you from growing.

If you quit being rude, quit being impatience, quit being lazy and become self disciplined, then that is when God will begin to increase you. When we make the right choice in a difficult time, that is when we are growing up, that is when we are developing our character.

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Austine Ikeru
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