Live a Life Filled with Joy

It is easy to let the pressures of life wail us down, we have problems to deal with, but I want you to know that God did not create us to endure life but to enjoy life. Taking time to laugh and smile energizes you, it keeps you in balance, sometimes we think we have to be serious to show that we are responsible.

God created you with a sense of humor, you were made to laugh, made to have fun, have you let the pressures of life wail you down? Are you always serious? Are you always angry? If you don’t make this adjustment not only will you miss the enjoyment of life but you won’t have good relationship.

Nobody wants to be around an aggressive and hot tempered person, when you are in this kind of mood always that pushes people away from you. Put on a wonderful smile, be good to people, be friendly and learn to laugh, smiles and laughter are like medicine to problems, they are like antidotes to poison.

Look for opportunity to laugh because it reduces your burden, put on a joyful atmosphere in your home because God loves to stay with a happy family. When people ask you what is the secret of a good marriage, always tell them to treat each other with respect and keep laughter in the relationship.

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The family that laughs together will stay together, don’t let the pressures of life destroy your relationship and cause you to be aggressive to your partner all the time. Sometimes the pressures of life cause us to be depressed, we don’t have time to laugh, we have bills to pay, we have children to raise, we are dealing with problems all the time.

But your joy and laughter is what is going to help you through the tough time, laughing together and having fun is what is going to help keep you together. You will see your relationship grow to the next level if you will get more joy in the home, blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God.

Living with pressure, stress, tension and division is what is going to drive you apart, but if you take time to laugh again, have fun and enjoy each other. That is what is going to bring new life, freshness and happiness into your relationship, how has it been since they was laughter in your home.

The enemy can’t stand to hear you laugh, learn to be having fun, laughing with your children, enjoying your life, laughing with your spouse and enjoying each other. Get out of the offensive and start laughing often, Laughter is spiritual warfare, laughter brings down walls, laughter will help your family stay together.

We all have to deal with tensions and stress, but you need to create a joyful atmosphere in your home, don’t bring in pressures, aggressions and stress from work. Your home need to be a retreat from the negative things you have to deal with during the day, your home should be a cheerful place.

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Live the negative outside and keep a joyful atmosphere in your home, just hearing other people laughing brings in healing. Imagine what happens in the inside of us when we live joyfully, we should take time to laugh every day, laughing not only affects us mentally but it affects us physically.

Laughter will make you stay younger, every time you laugh what is known as the youth hormones increases eighty-seven percent. That is the hormone that slows down the ages process, it helps you stay younger and fresher. When we don’t laugh we are not releasing the healing that God has put inside us, especially when we live depressed, stressed and discouraged.

Those chemicals God designed to keep us younger are sitting there inactive and ineffective, I am encouraging you all to always laugh and forget your sorrow because laughter is the antidote for predicaments and depression.

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Austine Ikeru
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